Source code for PermutationImportance.multiprocessing_utils

"""These are utilities designed for carefully handling communication between
processes while multithreading.

The code for ``pool_imap_unordered`` is copied nearly wholesale from GrantJ's 
`Stack Overflow answer here
It allows for a lazy imap over an iterable and the return of very large objects

from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, cpu_count
    from Queue import Full as QueueFull
    from Queue import Empty as QueueEmpty
except ImportError:  # python3
    from queue import Full as QueueFull
    from queue import Empty as QueueEmpty

__all__ = ["pool_imap_unordered"]

def worker(func, recvq, sendq):
    for args in iter(recvq.get, None):
        result = (args[0], func(*args[1:]))

[docs]def pool_imap_unordered(func, iterable, procs=cpu_count()): """Lazily imaps in an unordered manner over an iterable in parallel as a generator :Author: Grant Jenks <> :param func: function to perform on each iterable :param iterable: iterable which has items to map over :param procs: number of workers in the pool. Defaults to the cpu count :yields: the results of the mapping """ # Create queues for sending/receiving items from iterable. sendq = Queue(procs) recvq = Queue() # Start worker processes. for rpt in range(procs): Process(target=worker, args=(func, sendq, recvq)).start() # Iterate iterable and communicate with worker processes. send_len = 0 recv_len = 0 itr = iter(iterable) try: value = next(itr) while True: try: sendq.put(value, True, 0.1) send_len += 1 value = next(itr) except QueueFull: while True: try: result = recvq.get(False) recv_len += 1 yield result except QueueEmpty: break except StopIteration: pass # Collect all remaining results. while recv_len < send_len: result = recvq.get() recv_len += 1 yield result # Terminate worker processes. for rpt in range(procs): sendq.put(None)