Source code for PermutationImportance.data_verification

"""These utilities are designed to check whether the given data and variable
names match the expected format. For the training or scoring data, we accept 
either a pandas dataframe with the target column indicated, two different 
dataframes, or two numpy arrays"""

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .error_handling import InvalidDataException, InvalidInputException

except NameError:  # Python3
    basestring = str

__all__ = ["verify_data", "determine_variable_names"]

[docs]def verify_data(data): """Verifies that the data tuple is of the right format and coerces it to numpy arrays for the code under the hood :param data: one of the following: (pandas dataframe, string for target column), (pandas dataframe for inputs, pandas dataframe for outputs), (numpy array for inputs, numpy array for outputs) :returns: (numpy array for input, numpy array for output) or (pandas dataframe for input, pandas dataframe for output) """ try: iter(data) except TypeError: raise InvalidDataException(data, "Data must be iterable") else: if len(data) != 2: raise InvalidDataException(data, "Data must contain 2 elements") else: # check if the first element is pandas dataframe or numpy array if isinstance(data[0], pd.DataFrame): # check if the second element is string or pandas dataframe if isinstance(data[1], basestring): return data[0].loc[:, data[0].columns != data[1]], data[0][[data[1]]] elif isinstance(data[1], pd.DataFrame): return data[0], data[1] else: raise InvalidDataException( data, "Second element of data must be a string for the target column or a pandas dataframe") elif isinstance(data[0], np.ndarray): if isinstance(data[1], np.ndarray): return data[0], data[1] else: raise InvalidDataException( data, "Second element of data must also be a numpy array") else: raise InvalidDataException( data, "First element of data must be a numpy array or pandas dataframe")
[docs]def determine_variable_names(data, variable_names): """Uses ``data`` and/or the ``variable_names`` to determine what the variable names are. If ``variable_names`` is not specified and ``data`` is not a pandas dataframe, defaults to the column indices :param data: a 2-tuple where the input data is the first item :param variable_names: either a list of variable names or None :returns: a list of variable names """ if variable_names is not None: try: iter(variable_names) except TypeError: raise InvalidInputException( variable_names, "Variable names must be iterable") else: if len(variable_names) != data[0].shape[1]: raise InvalidInputException( variable_names, "Variable names should have length %i" % data[0].shape[1]) else: return np.array(variable_names) else: if isinstance(data[0], pd.DataFrame): return data[0].columns.values else: return np.arange(data[0].shape[1])